Welcome To HBIU
We offer a variety of programs to equip and empower faith-based leaders to change the world through the power of love. HBIU is an in-person and online institution of higher education where students discover and grow in their gifts and callings. We offer certificate and degree programs at the Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate levels.
Our programs provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be effective in the marketplace providing excellence in ministry and addressing crises. HBI takes pride in training leaders who will make a global impact. Our courses are available to anyone who meets our entrance requirements. and require comprehensive study, self-discipline, and demonstration of comprehension.
All academic degrees at HBIU require mandatory coursework and must be earned. Courses are relevant to the spiritual development of all who desire to effectively engage in faith-based humanitarian work. Our objective is to prepare the next generation of leaders to meet humanitarian needs.

To provide a transformative learning environment for students that emphasizes deep subject knowledge, problem-solving, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, as well as individual health and well-being. Rooted in strong faith-based principles, we empower others to achieve their goals through quality, affordable education. It is our mission to provide a learning environment that integrates a faith-based worldview into our studies, enabling a broader scope of opportunity for our graduates.
Our vision is to provide employment opportunities for our graduates both online and locally. Dreams need to become a reality, and through quality education, this can be achieved. We believe that education and job placement equal success.
Provide a collaborative atmosphere that is open to the free exchange of ideas, where research, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship can thrive; (b) ensure that each person can realize their full potential; and (c) develop a transformative university community.
To collaborate with partners outside the traditional confines of the university campus in order to have a revolutionary impact on society on a local, national, and international level.

Values System
- We value commitment, demonstrated by our exceptional work ethic and dedication to excellence
- Impact, demonstrated by our dedication to addressing pressing societal issues on a local, national, and international level
- Our interdisciplinary approach, with emphasis on internal and external relationships, and ability to establish new fields of study are all examples of collaboration.
- Our openness to novel concepts and artistic expression, intellectual curiosity, risk-taking attitude, and entrepreneurial spirit are all examples of creativity.
- Empathy and compassion are demonstrated through our commitment to enhancing human welfare and the personal growth of community members.
- A culture and environment that actively seeks out, accepts, and promotes outstanding individuals of all origins is an example of inclusion.
- Integrity is demonstrated by our adherence to the highest moral principles in our personal and professional conduct as well as our dedication to openness and accountability in our governance and all that we do.
- Our shared desire to set a good example for the preservation and protection of our natural resources, as well as our approach to prudent financial planning, are examples of sustainability.

Who We Are
HBIU is one of the world’s premier academic institutions, HBI University has driven new ways of thinking since our 2008 founding. Today, HBIU is an intellectual destination that draws inspired scholars to our online international university, keeping HBIU at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change the world. Strong faith-based values and morals are the standards we adhere to. We believe education in all areas should be centered around faith. Science and the arts are needed in the faith-based community, this is the perspective we stand on.

Core Values
The motivation for Heart Bible International University (HBIU) comes from our faith, and our focus is on the development of those who need our services. In addition to being a welcoming and inclusive community, HBIU provides a unique spiritual viewpoint to the usual tasks of preparing leaders in higher education.
The motivation for Heart Bible International University (HBIU) comes from our faith, and our focus is on the development of those who need our services. In addition to being a welcoming and inclusive community, HBIU provides a unique spiritual viewpoint to the usual tasks of preparing leaders in higher education. When it comes to teaching and learning, research, and service, HBIU specifically addresses the social, ethical, and religious elements of the issues at hand. Restorative justice, equality, and the preservation of human dignity serve as its guiding principles in all of its operations.
The pursuit of truth and academic freedom are priorities for HBIU. The university aspires to produce graduates who are ethical, knowledgeable, sensitive to injustice, and who serve the greater good. According to this dedication and building on the university's identity and mission, the HBIU graduate qualities stand out from other institutions of higher learning by emphasizing the principles that guide every segment of the institution.
Over the course of their studies, students at HBIU are encouraged to acquire the university's graduate characteristics. The university's graduate qualities are expressly taught and evaluated within each program to achieve this development. Empowering individuals to advance with the knowledge that changes lives. Destined to make a difference!

We Do Not Discriminate
The University admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of our educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Attributes of HBIU Graduate
HBIU programs enable graduates to be:
Ethically informed and able to
- Demonstrate respect for the dignity of each for human diversity
- Recognize their responsibility to the common good of the environment and society
- Apply ethical perspectives in informed decision-making
Knowledgeable and able to
- Think critically and reflectively
- Demonstrate values, knowledge, skills, and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession
- Solve problems in a variety of settings taking local, national, and international perspectives into account
Skillful and able to
- Work both autonomously and collaboratively
- Locate, organize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information
- Demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and visual media
- Utilize information and communication and other relevant technologies effectively. In addition, graduates of research degrees should demonstrate the ability to construct knowledge through research